Sign out and then sign in to your Apple ID.Check the stability and strength of your Internet connection.Check the current status of Apple services.The fix method for the There was an error connecting to Apple ID server on iPhone/mac depends on what causes the problem. There was an error connecting to the Apple ID server on iPhone/mac fix The members of the support team will work with and help you resolve the problem. However, if the other methods we’ve listed below don’t help you, you may have to reinstall macOS and if even that doesn’t fix the connection issue, you are advised to contact Apple support for further assistance. It is rare for this error to be caused by anything that requires the user to perform any complicated tasks in order to resolve it. The verification failed error can be due to unstable Wi-Fi connection, macOS bug, VPN usage, etc. Verification failed there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server is an error which can have a number of causes, most of which require a simple fix. Verification failed there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server Method 5: Get a verification code from Apple.There was an error connecting to the Apple ID server on iPhone/mac fix.Verification failed there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server.Hopefully, this saves you a few minutes and some heartburn. Select the first option, log in with your Apple ID, and it should now work with any errors.

This will bring up the Apple reset password dialog box. Now you have accurate time.įinally, in terminal you type resetpassword and hit enter. To fix this, type ntpdate -u and hit enter. Using the date command I was able to confirm this as it told me it was April. I had a hunch the date on this machine was off as it had been without power in a closet for a while. Then, I went back to Utilities and opened the terminal. I rejoined my wifi network and was able to successfully ping apple servers (). Don’t select any of the recovery options and instead select Network Tools (or something like that) under Utilities. Next, I Reset NVRAM and then rebooted with Command + R. I then rebooted and went into a guest mode which reboots the OS into a Safari-only state and wasn’t able to connect to any sites. I tried several wifi networks and tethering to my phone to no avail.

This was after trying to log in on the main boot and rebooting into password recovery mode. While trying to reset my SO’s password, I was getting this error.