The latest version of the HF Patch includes all the official patches, so you don't have to worry about installing any of those.

It also includes the no-dvd fix, English translations and UI as well as uncensors. If you downloaded a pre-installed version of the game or installed the game to a bad location i. To fix the registry, just do these simple steps. Please note that fixing the registry is not recommended because it will break uninstalling. Fixing the registry will make the game work, but you should not expect to be able to uninstall it without manual work. TIP: You can move the desktop shortcut to anywhere you prefer some prefer to have it in the game folder and it will still work. Just deselect the components you previously installed and patching will be relatively quick. This section explains how to install the all preorder bonus and DLC that has been released since the game has been launched. The easiest way to install them is through it.